
Raghunath boards a train from Mumbai to Vajraghat and shares his compartment with a stranger. Raghunath’s curiosity is piqued when the mysterious stranger starts speaking in numbers. This original story by Soumitra Ranade and Rudradutt Ranade features three alternative endings by Sonali Arun Bhatia, Archana Rao-D’Cruz, and Mira Desai. Illustrated stylishly in pen-and-ink by Ambika Sambasivan, 8563 is a delightful mystery for all readers.
– 8563 was nominated for the Peek-a-book Children’s Choice Award in 2018

Product Details

Age Group: 10 to 13 Years 
Author: Soumitra Ranade, Rudradutt Ranade
Illustrator: Ambika Sambasivan
No.of pages: 46
Type: Picture Book
Format: Perfect bound
Category: ISBN: 978-81-8190-349-5.