Vatsala Loves Snakes!


Rock pythons, trinket snakes, common sand boas – Vatsala is enamoured by these beautiful reptiles and their gleaming bodies. But no one seems to understand her love for them, especially her best friend, Neeraj! Could a trip to Sanjay Gandhi National Park make all the difference in convincing him that snakes are quite wonderful after all?
Arthy Muthanna Singh and Mamta Nainy show us the allure of these misunderstood creatures, while Divya George’s stunning illustrations take us on a trip to the lush surroundings of Mumbai’s largest national park.
This book was done in collaboration with WWF-India.

Product Details

Age Group: 6+ Years
Author: Arthy Muthanna Singh and Mamta Nainy
Illustrator: Divya George
No.of pages: 36
Format: Picture Book

Binding: Paperback

Category: Tags: , , ISBN: 9788181901637.

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