Don’t bark at English

Karadi Tales founder Cp Viswanath writes about our multilingual society: How real is the claim that English threatens indigenous languages? Bilingualism and multilingualism come naturally to Indians simply because our environment is multilingual. Actually, multilingualism is so ubiquitous across India that we take it for granted. Yet, to the west and east of the subcontinent,…

Indian kidlit: More than child’s play

In The Sunday Tribune, an article on children’s literature in India says: The efforts of Karadi Tales are geared towards making the story time a pleasurable time for children through wonderful stories, theatrical narrations, gripping soundtracks, music or songs, on all media. […]  Shobha Viswanath publishing director, Karadi Tales, says, “Children’s publishing is still a very…

Beyond The Last Blue Mountain

“His vision made giants out of men and organizations.” A pioneer, an adventurer, a great industrialist and a caring, courageous human being… the story of J.R.D. Tata is fascinating. His biography is the tale of determination, integrity, and prodigious intelligence. Charkha Audiobooks presents this story as moving and inspiring experience in the form of a…