Coming Home


Coming Home is a story set in a beautiful valley where a small community of farmers and their families live and work. Over the years, many of the young people have begun to migrate to earn a living. Everyone wishes there was a way in which these young people could stay back and earn a living right here. It’s a young boy, Selva, who has an idea which could do just that. But will it take shape and will it bring his older brother home? Read the book to find out just how a small idea can lead to big changes.

Written by Priti David, this is a story about migration and home, seen from the eyes of 11-year-old Selva.

Product Details

Age Group: 10 to 15
Author: Priti David
No.of pages: 79
Type: Chapter Book

Binding: Paperback

Categories: , ISBN: 978–81–9440–719–5.


The StORI (Stories of Rural India) series uses real stories from rural India, of disenfranchised people and communities, and the unique challenges they overcome every day, be it in infrastructure, health care, disability, or job security. They are stories of triumph – of children who participate cheerfully in civic issues, athletes who power past their disabilities, citizens who demand their right to be heard – and an attempt to give these voices a platform, as well as address the serious dearth of children’s books that are set in non-urban locations.

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